Title: Proximate, mineral composition and antioxidant properties of some wild leafy vegetables
Authors: Pradhan, S; Manivannan, S; Tamang, J P
Abstract: We analysed five wild leafy vegetables (Amaranthus viridis, Chenopodium album,
Diplazium esculentum, Nasturtium officinale and Urtica dioica) of Sikkim
for proximate and mineral composition. Wild leafy vegetables (WLV) of Sikkim are
found nutritionally rich in terms of calorific value, fibre, protein and low
fat which altogether indicate the potentiality of the WLVs as good source of
non-conventional vegetables. WLVs were also analysed for antioxidant
properties, total phenolic content and vitamin C content. All five WLVs were
found to exhibit moderate antioxidant activity with variability in total
phenolic content and vitamin C content. It firmly establishes rich nutritional
efficiency of WLVs in the local diets.
Page(s): 155-159